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If you're starting prep for your first show or thinking about competing in your first show, this ebook is for you. 


We help you figure out which organization to choose, category, suits, tanning, you name it...we got you! We cover everything you need to knoe for yuor first show! 


Section from INTRO...

"If you’re reading this eBook it’s most likely because you have a show date coming up and you have no idea what to do, what to bring, what to schedule, or most importantly just what to expect in general.


But don’t freak out, we have been there too and that is why we created this eBook. To give the first-time competitor or even seasoned competitor a practical list of questions + answers related to Contest Prep as well as items and checklists all pertaining to the process leading up to the show.


We have tried to break things down as simplistic as we could in this eBook, but if you find you have any questions, never hesitate to reach out and ask"


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